PO Box 5085, Jersey Shore, PA 17740
  (570) 398-4652 Phone/(570) 737-4250 Fax

Start or Reactivate an FBLA Chapter

Step #1:  Complete the following online chapter interest form to start or reactivate a chapter.  This information will be routed to the National Office and the Pennsylvania FBLA State Office.  You will receive an acknowledgement of your submission.  When submitted, you will receive a confirmation of your submission.

  • Once your form is received, you will hear from PA FBLA Executive Director, Bruce Boncal, who will create your chapter record AND will send you a confirmation email.  Once your chapter record is created, you will receive an email to activate your individual adviser/co-adviser account, which will give you access to multiple resources to secure approve and recruit members.  You will also receive a New/Reactivated Chapter Kit from National FBLA.

Step #2Complete this New Chapter Adviser Registration Form.  All advisers affiliated with the chapter need to complete this form.  Each chapter has one primary adviser; each chapter may have as many co-advisers as it wishes.  Each potential advisers is to complete this form.

Step #3Once you submit the online interest form, you will receive a series of emails and a phone call from the PA FBLA Executive Director.  You will receive the following communications:

  • Welcome from National FBLA
  • Welcome to PA FBLA/New Adviser Information (will include credential to access FBLA Connect, the FBLA membership system)
  • What’s Next . . . .
  • How to Process Memberships
  • Blue Panda Account Information

Step #3:  Make sure you have received all necessary approvals to continue the activation or reactivation of your FBLA chapter.

  • Speak to staff members who might be willing to serve as a chapter adviser.  Each local chapter is required to have one primary adviser and as many co-advisers as it chooses.  An adviser can be a school administrator, a teacher, or any faculty member.
  • Schedule to meet with the school principal about your desire to start an FBLA chapter.
  • Be ready to meet with the school superintendent and possibly the School Board.
  • Prepare a packet of materials about FBLA for the principal, superintendent, and School Board (if necessary); be prepared to make a presentation about FBLA to each.

Step #4:  Recruit at Least 5 Chapter Members / Elect Officers or Establish an Executive Board
Gather the following required student demographic information for entry to the membership system.

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Grade Level (high school:  9, 10, 11, 12 OR middle school:  5, 6, 7, 8)
  • Gender
  • Email Address (required) (use a personal email address, please, as the new chapter’s school may block outside email from a student’s school email inbox)

Step #6:  Using your National FBLA Connect login credentials, enter student names into the membership system and generate an invoice for the dues.  Choose an option to pay for the dues:  (1)  by credit card (pay immediately/no fees), (2) by check, or (3) purchase order (least preferred).  More information where to send the check is found in #8.

Step #7:  Complete the sample chapter bylaws found below.  It’s bylaws that guide the operation of your chapter and will  likely be required by your school system.

 Step #8:  Process one check for membership dues (PA FBLA pays any new chapter/reactivation fee):

  • Make the check payable to:  FBLA, Inc.
  • Dues are $16 per student ($6 state dues and $10 national dues) for students in Grades 9-12.
  • Dues are $13 per student ($3 state dues and $10 national dues) for students in Grades 5-8.
  • Dues are unified.  A member must pay both state and national dues.
  • Dues are not refundable or transferable to another student once they are processed at the national office.
  • If you need a W-9 for National FBLA to present to your school business office, click this link.
  • Make the check payable to:  FBLA Inc. (do not mail any dues to PA FBLA)
  • Mail the dues check to the National FBLA lockbox (this same address appears on the invoice):
    • FBLA, Inc. (make the check payable to FBLA)
      PO Box 79063
      Baltimore, MD 21279
  • Dues may be entered as many times as you wish during the membership year.  There is no restriction on dues submission except for any deadline for competitive events established by your chapter’s region.

 Step #9:  To process additional memberships after you submit your initial application forms:

  • Advisers will receive a username and password to enter members online through the National FBLA membership system, FBLA Connect.
  • Enter members; generate an invoice.
  • Mail all dues payments (state and national) to the national office lockbox.

Step #10:  For all questions regarding Pennsylvania FBLA state office support, please contact:

For High School Support:
Mr. Bruce E. Boncal

PA FBLA Executive Director
PO Box 5085
Jersey Shore, PA 17740
570.279.6998 cell/texts
570.398.4652 office
570.737.4250 fax

For Middle School Support:
Mrs. Michele Sites

PA FBLA Middle School Coordinator
234 Village Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
412.417.3543 cell/texts

The Role of an Adviser
The success of FBLA-PBL rests on the shoulders of student members. However, without the guidance of the local chapter advisers, no success would be possible. The adviser is instrumental in organizing and stimulating chapter development. They gain the support of the school administration and community. The local chapter adviser should:

  • Be knowledgeable about the history, bylaws and programs of the national organization for active operation of the local chapter.
  • Direct, chaperone, and coordinate supervision of chapter activities.
  • Organize the selection process for chapter officers and provide officer training.
  • Encourage civic responsibility.
  • Assist in the maintenance of necessary chapter records.
  • Establish rules and guidelines that will help students lead themselves while remaining consistent with school policies and state and national bylaws.
  • Hold regular chapter meetings and see that they are conducted in a business-like manner.
  • Assist members and officers in developing an annual program of work, which includes a budget, calendar, and committee assignments.
  • Assist members in planning, collecting, preparing, and arranging materials to promote the chapter and its activities.
  • Ensure school administrators, faculty, students, and the public are informed of chapter activities and outstanding student achievements.
  • Be knowledgeable of the guidelines for district/regional, state, and national competitive events and activities and coordinate participation at all levels.
  • Oversee financial development projects and supervise the receipt, recording, depositing, and expenditure of chapter funds.

Why Recruit Chapter Members?
The most important resource any organization has is its membership. The more dependable, enthusiastic members you attract—the more you can accomplish. Make your chapter stronger by keeping these points in mind.

  • A large and diverse membership makes for rich brainstorming sessions, unique projects, and lightened individual workloads.
  • Bigger is better—when it means that you have resources to dedicate to many worthy activities.
  • FBLA-PBL’s recognition and influence are assured when a larger portion of your student body and, by extension, your community is involved in your activities.
  • Your members enhance the chapter as a whole—while the chapter enriches your members.
  • FBLA offers students the following benefits and advantages:
    • Possible internship opportunities
    • Putting your skills to the test with 60 + competitive events
    • Rewards, scholarships, and recognition opportunities
    • Networking
    • Travel opportunities

Chapter Officers/Executive Board
It is suggested that each executive board includes the following offices:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Reporter
  • Historian
  • Parliamentarian

Why Bylaws?
Bylaws are the rules by which a chapter regulates its affairs and the behavior of its members. FBLA-PBL strongly recommends that each local chapter creates bylaws for its chapter to abide by.

Create a Program of Work
The Program of Work is the action plan of a chapter. Strong Programs of Work include well-defined goals and objectives, deadlines, and assigned tasks. The Program of Work is important because it ensures careful planning and a detailed layout for the fiscal year.

Schedule Chapter Meetings/Establish Agendas
Many successful chapters layout dates and locations of each other their meetings in the beginning of the year. This ensures the chapter has a meeting place and the dates and locations can be published and publicized to members and prospective members. In addition, they create agendas that layout exactly what is to be discussed at each meeting.

Recruitment/Promotional  Materials:
01.  2024-25 PA FBLA Fact Sheet
02.  2024-25 PA FBLA Competitive Events Brochure
03.  2024-25 National FBLA High School Fact Sheet
04.  2024-25 National Middle School FBLA Fact Sheet

05.  2024-25 PA FBLA List of Important High School Dates
06.  2024-25 PA FBLA List of Important Middle School Dates

07.  2024-25 FBLA Logos/Brand Guide
08.  2024-25 FBLA Color High School Competitive Events Poster (also distributed in Chapter Welcome Kit)
09.  2024-25 FBLA Color Middle School National Competitive Events Poster 11 x 17 (also distributed in Chapter Welcome Kit)
10.  2024-2025 FBLA High School Champion Chapter Poster 11 x17 (also distributed in Chapter Welcome Kit)

11.  2024-25 FBLA Middle School Champion Chapter Poster 11 x 17 (also distributed in Chapter Welcome Kit)
12.  High School Business Achievement Awards (BAAs)
13.  Middle School LEAD Awards
14.  FBLA Shop — Online Source for Official FBLA Merchandise

Resources Found in the Chapter Management Handbook (must access with FBLA Connect adviser login)
01.  Chapter Management Tools
02.  Local Chapter Officers and Committees
03.  Membership Recruitment and Retention Talking Points, Ideas, and Strategies
04.  FBLA Programs
05.  Competitive Events (at a glance)
06.  Program of Work
07.  Fundraising
08.  Communications
09.  Working With Your School & Community
10.  Officer Elections
11.  New Member Induction Ceremony
12.  Emblem Ceremony

Local Chapter Organization, Officers, and Meeting Management (as found on the National FBLA website)
01.  Meeting Checklist
02.  Meeting Skills Toolkit, which includes:

  • Duties of Presiding Officer and Parliamentarian
  • How to Facilitate Discussion and Debate
  • How to Make a Motion
  • How to Take a Vote
  • Meeting Agendas
  • Meeting Minutes
  • Motions Chart

03.  New Member Induction Ceremony & Emblem Ceremony
04.  Meeting Icebreakers

PA FBLA Chapter and Membership Programs
01.  State Project Information/American Red Cross
02.  PA FBLA William Selden Outstanding Chapter (under revision/use to guide the development of a program of work)
03.  Who’s Who in PA FBLA and William Selden Scholarships
04.  Big 33 Community Service Program
05.  Business Honor Society
06.  Keystone Leadership Award
07.  State Leadership Workshop (see main page of PA FBLA web site)
08.  State Leadership Conference (see main page of PA FBLA web site)

Curriculum Integration