PO Box 5085, Jersey Shore, PA 17740
  (570) 398-4652 Phone/(570) 737-4250 Fax

Big 33 Community Service Information

The Goal:  33,000 Community Service Hours Each Year

Community service is one of the core goals of FBLA, and it should be a focus of all chapters and all members.  PA FBLA’s Big 33 program is designed to recognize chapters and members for the volunteer hours they have committed in school and in the community.


01.  Community service hours are to be recorded and claimed monthly.
02.  Only hours for which the volunteer is unpaid may be claimed.
03.  Volunteer hours may be claimed for service performed in the schools and in the community.
04.  The maximum number of hours able to be claimed in one day is 24. No longer will generic items such as “Summer of 2022” be acceptable.
05.  All hours must be recorded monthly on the online form found at one of the links shown below:

Levels of Chapter Recognition
There are two levels of recognition that will be available:

01.  Certificates will be presented to the Top 10 chapters with the most community service hours during the business session at the State Leadership Conference.
02.  Each member attending the SLC from a chapter that participated in the Big 33 Project with receive a “Big 33 Chapter” ribbon.

Levels of Member Recognition
PA FBLA will recognize all members who complete at least three hours of community service during the period of March 1 through February 20.  The recognition members receive will be:

01.  All participating members will be awarded a certificate of recognition and a letter of commendation.
02.  Members who achieve top 10 status will be recognized at the Business Session at the State Leadership Conference, but it will not automatically entitle a member to qualify to attend the State Leadership Conference.
03.  Participants attending the State Leadership Conference will receive a special Big 33 “individual” ribbon to wear on the name badge.


The following are examples of community service that would be acceptable to claim as part of the Big 33 Club.  Hours may be claimed for both FBLA and non-FBLA related activities.  Examples:  members may claim community service hours performed while members of organizations such as Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Student Council, Key Club, church youth groups, etc.

Community service hours are unpaid activities—time given freely of one’s own will and not because the member is required to do so.  Community service is designed to improve the quality of life for community residents or schools.  Community service can occur in such fields as health care, child care, literacy training, education (including tutorial services), welfare, social services, transportation, housing and neighborhood improvement, public safety, crime prevention and control, recreation, rural development, and community improvement.

This list is not all-inclusive.  These are examples only.

Church-related Activities

  1. participating in a dunking booth for a church
  2. working as a meal volunteer for senior citizens
  3. babysitting during church services (unpaid)
  4. serving as a Sunday School teacher/assistant
  5. providing rides to services for those without vehicles
  6. participated in a Bowl-a-Thon for a cause
  7. Easter Egg hunts
  8. altar server/acolyte
  9. church lector
  10. vacation Bible school volunteer
  11. mission trips

Community-based Activities

  1. working as an auction volunteer for a community-service organization such as Lions, Lioness, Ducks Unlimited.
  2. working as a blood drive volunteer at a Red Cross Bloodmobile
  3. participating in a Relay for Life activity
  4. serving as a volunteer at the local hospital
  5. serving as a Big Brother/Big Sister
  6. becoming Red Cross safety certified
  7. participating in a March of Dimes activity
  8. Christmas caroling at the senior citizen home
  9. adopt-a-highway clean-up days
  10. serving as an EMT/volunteer fireman
  11. bell ringer for Salvation Army
  12. coaching Little League/other unpaid activities
  13. any FBLA/school activity that ultimately benefits outside groups such as Special Olympics, Habitat for Humanity
  14. public library volunteer
  15. counting coins for disaster relief
  16. telephone operator for a telethon

School Activities

  1. open house volunteer
  2. working at a FBLA or school-group concession stand
  3. gathering and sorting items for a food drive
  4. working at a elementary school fair or book fair
  5. working at a Basket Bingo to raise funds for a charitable organization
  6. serving as a math, science, English, etc., tutor
  7. guiding freshmen tours
  8. volunteering at a school-based sports tournament
  9. reading to elementary students on Dr. Seuss days
  10. gift wrapping for need families
  11. working at the school store (unpaid)
  12. served as volunteer assisting teachers with clerical-related activities (unpaid)
  13. assisting/participating in the school play/musical
  14. lab assistant
  15. pit orchestra
  16. school announcements
  17. assisting with kindergarten orientation
  18. collecting recyclable materials
  19. tech team member
  20. volunteer clerical activities

Miscellaneous Activities

  1. stuffing envelopes for a school-based or community organization
  2. assisting senior citizens with painting house, cleaning yards, clearing snow
  3. collected coins at local banks for a charitable organization
  4. collected Toys for Tots

Workplace Activities

  1. volunteering to work in an office (unpaid)
  2. babysitting (unpaid)
  3. summer camp counselor (unpaid)
  4. volunteer clerical activities