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6.04.03 State Officer Campaign Guidelines

1. All candidates must submit the following campaign materials prior to the State Leadership Conference (as per the posted deadline) through online forms established by PA FBLA:

  • Final copy of campaign speech.
  • Final copy of campaign brochure/data sheet.
  • Candidate financial statement.
  • One each of any campaign items and literature (stickers, flyers, sample design of campaign signs, etc.).
    • These items must be properly identified with the name of the candidate and office sought.
  • Candidates must include a description of any items which will be given away at the campaign booth to generate name recognition. In addition, candidates must provide a written or geographical description of any banners, posters, or other decorations in the campaign booth.
    • Please remember that items may not be pinned, taped, tacked, or in any way adhere to the walls, floors, ceiling or furniture.
    • Money, alcohol, and tobacco may not be distributed. Any food items that are distributed must be professionally sealed and packaged.
  • A written description of any audio-visuals that are planned to be used must be included with the campaign material. It is the responsibility of the candidate to bring or rent his/her own equipment.
    • Equipment costs (rental services, electrical access, etc.), if any, must be listed on the financial statement.
    • Candidates who choose to use electricity in their campaign booths will be required to pay a service charge. The cost will be provided to approved candidates after the interview process.

2. All candidates and their advisers must attend the Candidate/Campaign Briefing Meeting at the State Leadership Conference.

  • Each candidate and local chapter adviser (on record on the state officer application) must attend. Campaign manager attendance is optional.
  • A roll call will be taken at each session. Any candidate AND adviser that is not present at one of the scheduled meetings will be disqualified unless prior arrangements have been made with a member of the state officer screening panel.
  • The State Adviser and current state officers will conduct the Candidate Briefing Session.
  • Campaign guidelines will be reviewed.
  • Campaign booth assignments will be discussed.
  • Handouts of campaign rules will be distributed.
  • Candidates may submit an updated financial statement (with receipts) at this meeting if it has changed from the statement submitted prior to the SLC.

3. Candidate Financial Statement. A candidate may not spend or have received donated materials (at “fair market” value) and/or money totaling more than $500 in the campaign for a state office. Substantiated documentation for donations and receipts for all campaign materials must accompany the financial statement.

  • Income plus Donations must equal Expenses (for example, if you have $275 income and $225 in donations, total expenses must also equal $500). Any additional income must be returned to whomever donated it.
  • Audio-visual equipment rented or loaned to the candidate should the school’s), but any items donated from other people must be reported at “fair market” value.
  • Candidates must use the financial reporting form provided after the interview process.

4. Specific Campaign Regulations that will be reviewed at the Candidate/Campaign Briefing meetings are as follows:

  • Campaign literature shall not be mailed to other members prior to the State Leadership Conference.
  • No literature shall be distributed prior to OR after the conclusion of the campaign booths at the campaign rally. Any material distributed outside of the campaign booth area is considered a violation of the state officer election process and will result in disqualification.
  • No campaign clothing or campaign buttons may be worn prior to or enroute to the State Leadership Conference. They may only be worn during the campaign rally and after.
  • Candidates may announce their candidacy and receive endorsement from their respective region during their RLC. Permission to do so must be received from the regional adviser prior to the RLC.
  • Campaign guidelines will be reviewed.
  • Candidates should be prepared to discuss the content of their campaign speech with the state officer screening panel.

5. All campaign materials will be approved by the state officer screening panel via the binder or online form submitted prior to the SLC. Members of the state officer screening panel will also review campaign booths at the conclusion of the set-up time to assure that all items were included in the binder or the online form.

  • Campaign literature shall be placed on a table in the assigned location and shall not be distributed outside the campaign area, such as in dining rooms, in meeting rooms, under doors, on doors, or in hallways. No literature may be distributed before campaign booths officially open (as listed in the program) and no literature may be distributed after campaign booths officially close.
  • Whistles or other noise-making devices (including musical instruments) shall not be permitted. Nothing may be thrown from the stage.
  • Campaign hats, shirts, buttons, etc., may be worn outside the campaign area after the campaign rally.
  • Candidates may present only a speech during the campaign rally, and no props of any kinds will be permitted with the exception of the candidate’s copy of the campaign speech.
  • Campaign managers and campaign assistants will be provided a badge that must be worn when assisting in the campaign area. These badges will be distributed at the Candidate/Campaign Briefing Meetings.

6. The campaign rally with state officer campaign speeches will be held prior to the Opening General Session on the first evening of the conference, and it will be streamed live on the Internet.

  • The campaign rally will be for candidates, their advisers, and voting delegates only; other conference attendees will not be permitted to attend.
  • During the campaign rally, ALL candidates for state office will be allotted two (2) minutes to present their speeches. Candidates for all offices shall limit their campaign speeches to two (2) minutes.
  • Timekeepers will be used to monitor each speech. A warning will be given when 1 minute 45 seconds has expired.
  • Speeches should deal with the candidate’s qualifications, reasons for seeking office, and goals, if elected.
  • No skits will be permitted at the State Leadership Conference. Campaign managers are not permitted to introduce the candidate at the campaign rally. Campaign speeches must be presented from the stage podium.
  • Candidates for state office may announce candidacy utilizing social media following the conclusion of the campaign rally.

7. An area shall be designed for campaign booths.

  • These booths shall be uniform in size for each candidate.
  • One table shall be placed in each booth.
  • Booths shall be set up according to office. For example: President #1-5, First Vice President #6-10, etc. (depending upon the number of candidates). Campaign booth assignments will be distributed at the Candidate/Campaign Briefing Meetings.
  • Candidates are permitted to use approved materials in their designated booth.
  • Candidates and campaign assistants are not permitted to distribute any materials except from behind the table in their designated campaign booth.
  • Candidates must place a copy of their financial statement on the lower right hand corner of the campaign booth table.
  • Campaign booths will be held the second morning of the conference for a minimum of two hours and a maximum of three hours for attendees to meet the candidates.

8. There will be a specified time period and location for all registered voting delegates to cast ballots; voting will occur after closing of campaign booths.

  • Announcement of the newly elected officers will be made at the Awards Program.
  • In the event of a tie, a secret ballot will be conducted of all present eligible voting delegates at the Business Session. In the event of an additional tie, additional secret ballots will be conducted until the tie is broken.

9. Any supplies, such as tape and pins needed to set up campaign materials, must be supplied by the candidate.

10. No candidate is permitted to campaign in the voting area while the voting is taking place.

11. All candidates must dismantle campaign booths by the time indicated in the program.