PO Box 5085, Jersey Shore, PA 17740
  (570) 398-4652 Phone/(570) 737-4250 Fax

6.04 Executive Committee

The Executive Committee plans and implements the annual state officer program of work.

Its members include the president, first vice president, secretary, treasurer, reporter, three vice presidents at large, and the parliamentarian. Non-voting members of the Executive Committee include the local chapter advisers of the state officers and members of the Board of Directors.

The Executive Committee, including the non-voting members, are expected to attend the following:

1. Two Executive Committee meetings—July and January

2. National Leadership Conference (NLC)–June or July

3. SLW, including one preparation day—October or November

4. SLC, including one preparation day—April

5.  Online Zoom meetings as called by the state officer adviser or executive director

State officers may attend the:

1. National Fall Leadership Conference–November (voluntary attendance unless the NFLC is held in Pennsylvania, which will then be mandatory)

The state officers will be given an allowance to be used toward the expenses of attendance at approved FBLA functions (the registration fee will be reimbursed upon meeting all requirements). The amount and function is to be based on the budget recommended by the Executive Director/State Chairman and approved by the Board of Directors.

All officers must submit a written narrative report of their activities during the national conferences (NLC, NFLC) they attend. The report must be submitted to the State Adviser, Executive Director/State Chairman, and Conference Coordinator. Lodging and meals for advisers will be financed by the state chapter for the July, October or November, January, and March or April committee meetings. Travel expenses plus expenses of the advisers for the other functions listed above should be reimbursed by their respective school districts.

The state chapter shall pay for the cost of uniforms for state officers based on the approved state chapter budget. The officer or local chapter or local school district is expected to supply any other required components of the uniform as established by the State Adviser.

In addition, the responsibilities of the members of the Executive Committee, including the non-voting members, are to:

1. Attend FBLA meetings, workshops, and conferences on the local and regional level.

2. Develop a working knowledge of parliamentary procedure.

3. Maintain a file of all correspondence, instructions, and guidelines pertaining to the current state position and transfer this file to the incoming officer or adviser at the SLC.

4. Seek opportunities to explain the objectives and activities of FBLA to others, especially businesspersons.

5. Complete any other assignments delegated by the Management Team and/or Board of Directors.

State officers are encouraged to:

1. Attend at least one regional workshop or conference outside his or her home region.

2. Represent the state chapter at functions, such as business education conferences.

3. Visit at least one school that does not have an FBLA chapter to promote the establishment of a chapter.