PO Box 5085, Jersey Shore, PA 17740
  (570) 398-4652 Phone/(570) 737-4250 Fax

Dress Code

State Leadership Conference Business Professional Dress Code PDF
State Leadership Workshop Business Casual Dress Code PDF

Casual attire is acceptable for specific functions as listed in the program or the conference app or during times when not attending specific conference functions.  Casual attire may be worn to all social events.

New fashion trends may be in style, but not necessarily appropriate.  The best way to operate is to avoid walking the line.  If there is doubt, select something else to wear.  Be a professional.

No dress code can cover all contingencies, so FBLA members, advisers, and guests must use a certain amount of judgment in their choice of clothing to wear.  Members who experience uncertainty about unacceptable attire should ask their local adviser for guidance.  Advisers should seek the guidance of the PA FBLA Executive Director or other members of the PA FBLA Management Team, if uncertain.

PA FBLA does not support or condone the touching of students or their clothing as a means of determining whether a student is following the dress code guidelines.

Any medical exemptions to this dress code must be documented with the PA FBLA Executive Director and maintained in conference headquarters prior to the beginning of the event.  This is the responsibility of the local adviser.