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Delegate Code of Conduct

State Leadership Conference Code of Conduct (PDF file)

One of the goals of FBLA is to facilitate the transition from school to work.  Individual conduct and appearance are a part of that training.  It is a special privilege to attend an FBLA conference, and it is the responsibility of all attendees (also known as “delegates”) to conduct themselves in a proper, businesslike manner at all times.

PA FBLA and its members have an excellent reputation.  Delegate conduct at every FBLA function should make a positive contribution to the reputation that has been established.  Listed below are conduct rules for every FBLA function.  The term “delegate” shall be any person attending any FBLA function.

  1. All delegates shall behave in a courteous and respectful manner, refraining from language and actions that might bring discredit upon themselves, their school, or upon FBLA.
  2. Conduct not conducive to an educational function will not be allowed.  Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, actions disrupting a businesslike atmosphere, association with non-conference individuals, or activities which endanger self or others.  Any damages to any property or furnishings in the hotel or convention center will be paid for by the individual or chapter responsible.
  3. Student delegates shall keep their advisers informed of their activities and whereabouts at all times.  Accidents, injuries, or illnesses must be reported to the local adviser and/or PA FBLA Executive Director immediately.
  4. Advisers/guest/chaperones and students will comply with the “business professional” dress code for all SLC general sessions, exhibits, meetings, and workshops, and other activities unless otherwise stated in the conference program app. PA FBLA members and advisers should develop an awareness of the image one’s appearance projects. The purpose of the dress code is to uphold the professional image of the Association and its members and to prepare students for the business world.
  5. It is the responsibility of all student delegates to adhere to the curfews which are listed in the conference app. Curfew is described as being in your assigned room during the designated hours.  It is the responsibility of advisers to enforce curfews with the assistance of security personnel.
  6. No alcoholic beverages or narcotics of any form shall be possessed at any time, under any circumstances. Use or possession of such substances may subject the student delegate to criminal prosecution and immediate expulsion from the PA FBLA State Leadership Conference.
  7. Advisers are responsible for the supervision of conduct. Student delegates who disregard the code of conduct will be subject to disciplinary action, and they and/or their chapter delegation can be sent home at their own expense and will be disqualified from competitive awards or withdrawn from office, if applicable.  Parents and/or school district officials will be notified.
  8. Student delegates are not permitted to leave conference facilities without the approval and supervision of their adviser.
  9. There will be NO SMOKING/NO TOBACCO PRODUCTS/NO E-CIGARETTES OR SIMILAR DEVICES in any meeting rooms or at any meal functions by any conference participants. Student delegates shall not possess or use tobacco products, e-cigarettes, or similar devices at any time, in any location (inside or outside) of the workshop or conference.
  10. Delegates are responsible for reviewing their conference/workshop app upon arrival at any function or when downloaded. Student delegates are responsible for any specific duties as assigned by their chapter adviser.
  11. No male students are permitted in female students’ rooms or vice versa unless the chapter adviser is present.
  12. Advisers are responsible for taking all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of their student delegates at all FBLA functions and must be readily available in case of an emergency.
  13. Delegates shall wear their conference name tags at all times while on site.
  14. Delegates shall respect and abide by the authority vested in the PA FBLA Board of Directors and the host facility.
  15. No adviser should accept responsibility for a student delegate from another school without a written agreement between the administrations of the two schools. No student delegates will be accepted without an adviser listed or a written agreement attached.
  16. Adult delegates shall abide by the rules and regulations for a minor student delegate.
  17. All hotel rooms at PA FBLA functions are property of the hotel and PA FBLA—not the individual(s) and/or school district(s)—and may be searched at any time for any suspected violation of the Delegate Code of Conduct at the request of a PA FBLA staff member or student’s/students’ adviser.

State Leadership Workshop Code of Conduct (PDF file)

One of the goals of FBLA is to facilitate the transition from school to work.  Individual conduct and appearance are a part of that training.  It is a special privilege to attend an FBLA conference, and it is the responsibility of all attendees (also known as “delegates”) to conduct themselves in a proper, businesslike manner at all times.

PA FBLA and its members have an excellent reputation.  Delegate conduct at every FBLA function should make a positive contribution to the reputation that has been established.  Listed below are conduct rules for every FBLA function.  The term “delegate” shall be any person attending any FBLA function.

  1. All delegates shall behave in a courteous and respectful manner, refraining from language and actions that might bring discredit upon themselves, their school, or upon FBLA.
  2. Conduct not conducive to an educational function will not be allowed.  Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, actions disrupting a businesslike atmosphere, association with non-conference individuals, or activities which endanger self or others.  Any damages to any property or furnishings in the hotel or convention center will be paid for by the individual or chapter responsible.
  3. Student delegates shall keep their advisers informed of their activities and whereabouts at all times.  Accidents, injuries, or illnesses must be reported to the local adviser and/or PA FBLA Executive Director immediately.
  4. Advisers/guest/chaperones and students will comply with the “business casual” dress code for all SLW general sessions, exhibits, meetings, and workshops, and other activities unless otherwise stated in the conference program app. PA FBLA members and advisers should develop an awareness of the image one’s appearance projects. The purpose of the dress code is to uphold the professional image of the Association and its members and to prepare students for the business world.  I understand that the only exception to the business casual dress code relates to the purchase of the “official” state project T-shirt from Pennsylvania FBLA.  It has been permitted and has been traditional to wear these purchased state project shirts (supporting the Make-A-Wish Foundation) as a show of support for the state project for the Monday sessions only.
  5. It is the responsibility of all student delegates to adhere to the curfews which are listed in the conference app. Curfew is described as being in your assigned room during the designated hours.  It is the responsibility of advisers to enforce curfews with the assistance of security personnel.
  6. No alcoholic beverages or narcotics of any form shall be possessed at any time, under any circumstances. Use or possession of such substances may subject the student delegate to criminal prosecution and immediate expulsion from the PA FBLA State Leadership Workshop.
  7. Advisers are responsible for the supervision of conduct. Student delegates who disregard the code of conduct will be subject to disciplinary action, and they and/or their chapter delegation can be sent home at their own expense and will be disqualified from competitive awards or withdrawn from office, if applicable.  Parents and/or school district officials will be notified.
  8. Student delegates are not permitted to leave conference facilities without the approval and supervision of their adviser.
  9. There will be NO SMOKING/NO TOBACCO PRODUCTS/NO E-CIGARETTES OR SIMILAR DEVICES in any meeting rooms or at any meal functions by any conference participants. Student delegates shall not possess or use tobacco products, e-cigarettes, or similar devices at any time, in any location (inside or outside) of the workshop or conference.
  10. Delegates are responsible for reviewing their conference/workshop app upon arrival at any function or when downloaded. Student delegates are responsible for any specific duties as assigned by their chapter adviser.
  11. No male students are permitted in female students’ rooms or vice versa unless the chapter adviser is present.
  12. Advisers are responsible for taking all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of their student delegates at all FBLA functions and must be readily available in case of an emergency.
  13. Delegates shall wear their conference name tags at all times while on site.
  14. Delegates shall respect and abide by the authority vested in the PA FBLA Board of Directors and the host facility.
  15. No adviser should accept responsibility for a student delegate from another school without a written agreement between the administrations of the two schools. No student delegates will be accepted without an adviser listed or a written agreement attached.
  16. Adult delegates shall abide by the rules and regulations for a minor student delegate.
  17. All hotel rooms at PA FBLA functions are property of the hotel and PA FBLA—not the individual(s) and/or school district(s)—and may be searched at any time for any suspected violation of the Delegate Code of Conduct at the request of a PA FBLA staff member or student’s/students’ adviser.