PO Box 5085, Jersey Shore, PA 17740
  (570) 398-4652 Phone/(570) 737-4250 Fax

Current State Project

“Stronger Together, Unstoppable as One”

PA FBLA Statewide Fundraising Goal:  $40,000

The Special Olympics mission:  “The mission of Special Olympics Pennsylvania is to provide year-round sports training and competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities; giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness; demonstrate courage; experience joy; and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills, and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes; and the community.”

Pennsylvania FBLA chapters and members can support our state project through fundraising, volunteering locally, or getting involved at the upcoming SLW festivities.  At the State Leadership Workshop, chapters and members can participate in the SLW Olympic Games and Charity Basket auction — and other fundraising initiatives at the State Leadership Workshops.  More information to be published about the Olympic Games and Charity Basket auction.

All fundraising checks should be made payable to:  PA FBLA or PA FBLA State Project.
Send all contributions to the PA FBLA state office at any time during the year:

Bruce E. Boncal
PA FBLA Executive Director
PO Box 5085
Jersey Shore, PA 17740

A letter documenting each chapter’s or each region’s contributions will be emailed by Nathan Lehigh, PA FBLA State Treasurer, shortly after the check is received.  Only checks received at the state office and documentation from the state treasurer will count toward the William Selden Outstanding Chapter Criteria or the state project awards.  Direct contributions made to Special Olympics Pennsylvania will not count toward the OC Criteria or the state project awards.

Deadline for Contributions for State Project Awards:
All contributions received by April 08, 2023, 12:00 noon, will be counted toward the two state projects awards announced at the SLC Opening Session.  Drop off contributions brought on site at the conference headquarters in the Hershey Lodge, Cocoa Terrace.

Contributions will continue to be accepted from chapters until June 30, 2024.  A final check to Special Olympics Pennsylvania will be sent to the organization at the end of the fiscal year.

Special Olympics Pennsylvania Main Contact Information:

Gina Reid
VP, Regional Growth

Special Olympics Pennsylvania
2570 Blvd. of the Generals, Ste. 124 | Norristown, PA 19403

Tel: 610-630-9450, ext. 234

Unified Champion Schools
The Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools program is aimed at promoting social inclusion through intentionally planned and implemented activities affecting systems-wide change. With sports as the foundation, the three component model of Unified Champion Schools (UCS) offers a unique combination of effective activities that equip young people with tools and training to create sports, classroom and school climates of acceptance. These are school climates where students with disabilities feel welcome and are routinely included in, and feel a part of, all activities, opportunities and functions.

Check out the Unified Champion Schools One Page Snapshot.
List of Pennsylvania Unified Champion Schools to see if your school is part of the program.

Special Olympics Pennsylvania Regional Offices:
click the graphic below for an interactive map

Find opportunities to get involved with Special Olympics in your area.

Special Olympics Pennsylvania has 54 active county and city programs that fit into nine regions across Pennsylvania.  These programs serve a growing body of 13,000 athletes with intellectual disabilities in the areas of sports, health, and leadership.