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Social Media Ambassador Information and Application

PA FBLA Social Media Ambassador Application 2024-2025
Application Deadline
:  September 15, 2024, 11:59 pm

Thank you so much for your interest in the 2024-25 PA FBLA Social Media Ambassador Program. As a social media ambassador, you will work with a team of like-minded student leaders to assist PA FBLA in the development of key digital resources for members in our organization. Additionally, you will facilitate the expansion of PA FBLA’s digital presence across all social media avenues: Instagram and Facebook. Serving as a Social Media Ambassador is a unique opportunity to directly impact our organization, gain valuable insight into the world of marketing, and play a significant part in a truly unforgettable membership year.

Social Media Ambassadors should be versatile in the following areas: graphic design, caption writing, photography, videography, and strategic planning.

Serving as a Social Media Ambassador involves a time commitment from September 2024 – April 2025. Outside of content creation, you will work with the PA FBLA State Officer Team and the PA FBLA State Management Team to design and execute a coordinated, organization-wide social media strategy. This position entails monthly team meetings and mandatory attendance at PA FBLA’s State Leadership Workshop in the Fall and State Leadership Conference in the Spring. Please note, the Social Media Ambassador is responsible for all costs associated with attendance at PA FBLA events.

Applications are due September 15 2024, by 11:59 p.m. EST. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered. Please note that you must have the written/digital approval from your local chapter adviser to apply for a position on the PA FBLA Social Media Ambassador Team prior to submitting your application.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact PA FBLA State Adviser, Miss Kristi Ryland (kryland@pafbla.net) or PA FBLA State President, Hayden Schwabe (president@pafbla.net). We look forward to reviewing your application!

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